To facilitate the marketing of Innovative product and services 4IB is currently preparing to establish an own 4IB Technology Center. This innovative platform will actively work as a meeting point for ground breaking innovations and interested investors and public sponsors.
At the same time the continuous process of improvement and development for all technologies that 4IB is invested in, shall greatly benefit from the resources and expertise concentrated within this innovation incubator.
The innovation center shall furthermore contribute with its resources and expertise to the international marketing of innovative product and services. A special focus will be put on the commercialization of product and service licenses offered by the companies 4IB is invested in.
As mutual advantage the companies and investors both will benefit from the resources and the expertise available within the technology center. From proof-of-concept, validation until 3rd party RTM-certification the complete value chain of innovation will be addressed within the technology center. Based upon a confirmed technical and market driven feasibility a win-win licensing model in most cases will be the best approach to extend the range of operation for the innovative companies wanting to expand internationally.